732 Records Found

Most Consecutive Spins While Balancing A Tennis Racket On A Hacky Sack Held In Hand
Vito O.

Most Consecutive Three-Ball Flashes Through A Ring Balanced On Forehead While Hula Hooping
Tony Duncan

Most Steps Taken While Bounce Juggling Five Balls
Audi T

Longest Time Balancing A Hand Ball On Foot
Suresh Gaur

Farthest Distance To Chip A Table Tennis Ball Into A Cuponk Cup Using A Golf Club
Mark Evans

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Volleys Using Heads While Standing In Water
Dimos and Renos Christodoulidis

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Volleys Using Heads
Dimos and Renos Christodoulidis

Most Catches Juggling Three Stress Balls
Vito O.

Largest Super Ball Pyramid
Dylan Reitz

Most Catches Juggling Seven Table Tennis Balls With Mouth
Rodrigo Chacón

Most Table Tennis Balls Fit In Pants While Wearing Them
Tina Jones

Most Behind-The-Back Throws While Juggling Three Basketballs
Audi T

Most Five-Ball Bounce Catches While Riding A Pogo Stick
Thom Wall

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls In A Shower Pattern
Caleb Stockwell

Most Catches Juggling Three Men's Regulation Basketballs
Audi T

Most Pester Balls Thrown In One Minute In "Pokemon Snap" (N64)
Yahya ijaz
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