213 Records Found

Farthest Frisbee Catch Using A Cricket Stump
Nicholas Park

Highest Calamari Ring Throw Caught With One Finger
Pedro Elias

Most Catches Of An Audio Cassette Balanced On Elbow In 30 Seconds
Richard Wilson

Fastest Time To Perform 20 Crab Walk Hold Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Perform 40 Crab Walk Hold Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber

Fastest Crab Walk Hold With 10 Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber

Most Catches Juggling Three Hotel Toiletries
Vito O.

Most Catches Juggling Three Rings While Standing On A Balance Board

Most Catches Juggling Two Baseballs And A Baseball Bat
Vito O.

Fastest Time To Perform 10 Bean Bag Catch Jump Tuck Push-Ups
Alicia Weber

Most Catches Juggling Four Kiwis In Cascade Pattern

Fastest Time To Perform 30 One-Arm Gliding Mountain Climber Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber

Most Catches Juggling Three Peaches
Kartik Hingu

Fastest Time To Perform 50 One-Arm Gliding Mountain Climber Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls In Forked Cascade Pattern
Emily Cohen

Fastest Time To Perform 20 One-Arm Gliding Mountain Climber Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber
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