485 Records Found

Longest "Sour Patch Kid" Candy Throw Caught In Mouth
Jordan Lee

Most Catches Juggling Seven Clubs In The Isolated Endurance
Vova Galchenko

Most Tosses Of A Rubber Duck Between Two People
Matthew Culbert

Most Catches Of Five Clubs While Hula Hooping With Chin Balance Start
Tony Duncan

Most Catches Juggling Three Men's Regulation Basketballs
Audi T

Most Consecutive Over-The-Leg Diabolo Catches While Balancing On One Foot
Felipe baraona

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Catches Of Three Clubs In A Cascade Pattern
Ewan Clementson

Most Catches In One Minute While Juggling Three Clubs
Michael Gossett

Most Catches While Juggling A Three-Ball Shower Pattern In One Minute
Mike Moore

Most Consecutive Catches During A Four-Ball Mills Mess Juggling Pattern In 30 Seconds

Most Catches Of A Tennis Ball Bounced Off A Wall In One Minute
Emily Cohen

Most Baseball Bounces On A Wall In 30 Seconds
Suresh Gaur

Most Catches Juggling Two Basketballs One-Handed While Spinning A Basketball On A Pencil
Mason Axcell

Most Behind-The-Back Frisbee Catches In 30 Seconds
Justin Bereczki

Most Consecutive Popcorn Kernels Thrown In Air And Caught In Mouth While Seated
Ryan McGrath

Longest Egg Toss
Dustin Sulek
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