485 Records Found

Most Catches Juggling Large Kids Play Balls
Audi T

Most Catches Juggling Five Easter Eggs
Audi T

Most "Skill Toys" Used In One Minute
J The Juggler

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Wall In 20 Seconds While Catching It By Turning Sideways
Suresh Gaur

Most Catches Juggling Three Basketballs In A Box Pattern
Audi T

Most Catches Performing 12-Club Passing While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Daniel Ledel

Most Feathers Caught In 30 Seconds

Most Catches Juggling Six Knives
Thom Wall

Most Consecutive Catches Performing Three Club Backcrosses
Ameron Rosvall

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls In One Minute While Doing A Wall Sit
Nate Tower

Most Catches Juggling Two Balls One-Handed In One Minute
Andrew Cox

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls In 90 Seconds While Doing A Wall Sit

Most Catches Juggling Three Four-Pound Balls In One Minute
Nate Tower

Most Catches Juggling Three Basketballs In A Cascade Pattern While Balancing A Book On Head And Kneeling On An Exercise Ball
Mason Axcell

Most Catches Juggling Two Basketballs One-Handed While Spinning A Basketball On A Pencil
Mason Axcell

Most Catches Juggling Two Tennis Balls While Spinning A Basketball On Pencil And Balancing A Book On Head
Brian Pankey
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