70 Records Found

Most Bench Presses Of A Live Dog In 30 Seconds
Mark Antony Howard

Most Bench Presses Of A Live Dog In One Minute
Eliot Glazer

Most Bounces Of A Baseball Off Of The Side Of A Building In 30 Seconds While Petting A Dog
Suresh Gaur

Most Consecutive Balloon Volleys By Two Dogs
Coty Lunn

Most Consecutive Tricks Performed By A Dog
Kim Mayes

Most Curls Of A Live Dog In 30 Seconds
Eliot Glazer

Most Dog Handshakes in 30 Seconds

Most Dog Tricks Completed With Non-Verbal Commands In One Minute
Kim Mayes

Most Doggie Push-Ups Performed In 30 Seconds
Kim Mayes

Most Dogs Bathed In One Hour
The Barking Lot

Most Dogs Kissed In One Hour

Most Dogs Pet In 30 Seconds
Art Hoffman

Most Dogs Playing Dead At Once
Bixbi Pet

Most Dogs To Sit At Once Upon Command Around A Prius
Prius Records

Most Dog-Themed Jokes Told In One Minute Using a Dog Avatar
Natedagrate !!

Most Female Dog Names Named In 10 Seconds While Wearing A Toothpaste Mustache
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