Exercise World Records

1495 Records Found

01:00 United States

Most Mountain Climber Exercise On Knuckles In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 260 Mountain Climber exercises on her knuckles in one minute.

00:50 United States

Most Consecutive 80-Pound Dumbbell Presses (Right Arm)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed eighteen 80-pound dumbbell presses with his right arm.

01:02 United States

Most Burpee Box Jumps In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 33 burpee box jumps in one minute.

02:01 United States

Most Push-Ups On A Floating Paddleboard In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 83 push-ups on a floating paddleboard in two minutes.

00:36 United States

Most Two-Board Bench Presses Of A 375-Pound Barbell

Clint Poore

Clint P. two-board bench pressed a 375-pound barbell 11 times.

00:47 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 255-Pound Wooden Log

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 255-pound wooden log 20 times.

01:09 India

Most "Twisted Torso" Push-Ups In One Minute

Jaspreet Singh

Jaspreet Singh performed 62 twisted torso push-ups in one minute.

01:18 Italy

Most Consecutive Barefoot One-Leg Squats With Arms Crossed

andrea pallini

Andrea Pallini performed nine single leg squats with his arms crossed and barefoot.

01:31 United States

Most Consecutive Strict Pull-Ups On A Thick Bar

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 59 strict pull-ups on a thick bar.

00:58 Sweden

Heaviest Strict Barbell Curl (Athlete Over 50 Years Old)

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund performed a strict barbell curl using a 74-kilogram barbell. He is 52 years old.

00:30 Sweden

Longest Time To Deadlift A 230-Pound Barbell Using Right Hand While Carrying A 10-Pound Dumbbell Above Head Using Left Hand

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy deadlifted a 230-pound barbell using his right hand for 3.28 seconds while carrying a 10-pound dumbbell above his head using his left hand.

12:37 United States

Fastest Time To Ride One Mile On A Unicycle

Vaughan Heussenstamm

Vaughan H. rode a unicycle one mile in 11 minutes, 49.00 seconds.

07:13 Italy

Heaviest Weight Lifted Overhead While Performing A Squat And Balancing On A Balance Board

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter lifted a 63.6-kilogram barbell over his head while performing a squat and balancing on a balance board.

00:58 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 350-Pound Wooden Log

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 10 reps bench pressing a 350-pound wooden log.

10:44 United States

Fastest 300-Rep Push-Up, Dip, Pull-Up Challenge

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed a 300-rep push-up, dip, pull-up challenge in 10 minutes, 20.50 seconds.

00:43 Philippines

Most Consecutive Push-Ups Performed On Four Soda Bottles While Drinking A Soda Using Straw

Gerard Jessie

Gerard Jessie performed seven push-ups on four soda bottles while drinking a soda using a long straw.

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