Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Hanging Leg L Raises
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Head Dips While Lying On Back On Top Of An Exercise Ball
Suresh Gaur

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Kennedy Half Dollar Coin Rolls
Brian Pankey

Fastest Time To Complete 100 One-Armed Push-Ups On A Medicine Ball
Guillaume Bourgeois

Fastest Time To Complete 100 One-Armed Push-Ups While Wearing A Boxing Glove
Guillaume Bourgeois

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Push-Ups On Fists
Guillaume Bourgeois

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Reptile Push-Ups With 100 Jump Squats
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Strict Pull Ups And 100 Burpee-Pushups With End Jump And Clap
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Tricep Pushup/Freestyle Medley
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Complete 1000 Arm Stretches On Both Sides
Suman Singh

Fastest Time To Complete 1000 Bent-Leg Knee Raises
Suman Singh

Fastest Time To Complete 1000 Half Push-Ups On Fists
Suman Singh

Fastest Time To Complete 1000 Push-ups
Suman Singh

Fastest Time To Complete 1000 Shoulder Rotations
Suman Singh

Fastest Time To Complete 100-Meter Plyometric Alligator Push-Ups
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Complete 101 Charlier Card Cuts While Holding A 15-Pound Exercise Plate With Index Finger
Kamal Aslam
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