Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest Time To Solve A 2x2 Rubik's Cube And A Pyraminx While Bouncing On A Pogo Stick Without Using Hands
Ewan Chate

Fastest Time To Complete 300 Thick Bar Pull-Ups And A One-Mile Cross Country Run
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Precision Plant 7,000 Seeds
Mark Cuban

Fastest Time To Eat 14 Oreo Cookies
Travis Mizejewski

Fastest Time To Make And Pop A Paper Popper
E Gray

Fastest Time To Drink 710 Milliliters Of Gatorade
Phillip Taylor

Fastest Time To Balance A Broom On One Finger
Vito O.

Fastest Time To Say "Hello" In 10 Languages
Nicholas Lambert

Fastest Public Treadmill Run While Wearing A Bunny Suit

Fastest Time For Six People To Write "Donald Trump" On A Whiteboard

Fastest Time To Eat A Digestive Biscuit
Fadumo Hersi

Fastest Time To Make A Balloon Princess Wand While Blindfolded

Fastest Time To Drink A 750-ml Carton Of Mooju
Mike Wilde

Fastest Time To Make An Origami Balloon
E Gray

Fastest Time To Say "Tina Fey" 10 Times
Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Fastest Time To Perform 50 Bean Bag Toss Jump Tuck Push-Ups
Alicia Weber
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