Game World Records

Game world records, whether real-world or virtual, are set after hours of intensive training and practice. Childhood favorites like Connect Four sit alongside recent iPhone hits such as Angry Birds. Whether your passion is board games or video games, you'll find a category to compete in here.

2218 Records Found

10:05 United States

Highest Score In "Altered Beast" (Sega Genesis)

Matt B.

Matt B. earned 550,600 points in Altered Beast.

02:40 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flappy Bert" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 101 points in Flappy Bert.

00:15 Slovakia

Highest Score On Level 1-5 Of "Angry Birds Space: Pig Bang"

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 30,107 points on level 1-5 of Angry Birds Space: Pig Bang.

01:11 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 26" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 302,280 points in Toy Blast: Level 26.

00:44 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 2" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 95,160 points in Toy Blast: Level 2.

01:11 The Internet

Most Zombies Fit In A 1x1 Hole In "Minecraft"

DeadMouse Boss

DeadMouse Boss fit 4,391 zombies in a 1x1 hole in Minecraft.

01:43 United States

Fastest Time For 20 People To Throw "Hadouken" Fireballs


It took 20 people, most dressed as Ryu from Street Fighter, a total of 37.85 seconds to each throw a Hadouken fireball. The record was set on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon as part of Video Game Week. #LNWJF

00:20 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Juice Cubes: Level 3" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 9,590 points in Juice Cubes: Level 3.

01:13 The Internet

Highest Score In "World's Fastest Tapper" (Online)


Harris earned 839 points in World's Fastest Tapper.

02:05:00 United States

Longest Super Smash Bros. Brawl Fighting Game Marathon (Wii)

Neeral Mehta

Neeral Mehta, Demetri Kotsinis, Jimmy Binder, Tim Kirby played Super Smash Bros. Brawl nonstop for 56 hours. Watch the entire record attempt here.

02:52 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Farm Heroes Saga: Level 3" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 578,000 points in Farm Heroes Saga: Level 3.

00:11 United States

Highest Score In "Pops Frenzy" (Online)

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. earned 54,600 points in Pops Frenzy.

00:23 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 2" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 17,800 points in Jelly Splash: Level 2.

00:29 Sri Lanka

Lowest Score In "2048" (Online)

Udaya Saman

Udaya S. earned 12 points in 2048.

00:38 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Cut The Rope: Level 1-8" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 5,656 points in Cut the Rope: Level 1-8.

00:19 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Tower Story: Level 5" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 217,520 points in Tower Story: Level 5.

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