Gaming World Records
A plethora of video game world records. Why not turn on your XBox, Nintendo, Wii or even your Atari and set some records yourself?
2305 Records Found

Most Money Earned In "Rock N' Roll Racing" (SNES)
Bobby Wilson

Most Multi-Kills In 20 Seconds In "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3"
Patrick Scott Patterson

Most Neopets With Names That Include "RecordSetter"
World Records For Everyone!

Most Nintendo 64 Cartridges Held Upside Down Between Thumb And Index Finger

Most Nintendo GameCube Games Named In 30 Seconds While Speaking With A Lisp

Most Offsides In A Match By Both Teams In "Championship Manager: Season 01/02"
GAMMA Records

Most Online Multiplayer Kills On Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Jacob Ruthruff

Most Passes By A Player In A Single Match In "Championship Manager: Season 01/02"
GAMMA Records

Most People Air Thrusting In "Grand Theft Auto V: Online"

Most People Playing "SingStar" On A Two-Seater Sofa
Matt Piper

Most People Playing Arcade Games At Once
Doc Mack

Most People Standing On One Foot While Playing An iPhone Game
iD Tech Camps Ohio State Universty

Most Perfect Games Thrown In Wii Sports Bowling
Nicholas J

Most Pester Balls Thrown In One Minute In "Pokemon Snap" (N64)
Yahya ijaz

Most Pigs Spawned On The Deathmatch Platform In A Blitz Survival Game In "Minecraft"
Parker Cline

Most Points Earned In "Eurosong Generator" (Online)
World Records For Everyone!
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