Group World Records
Group world records are where teams of friends, coworkers, family members or even strangers get together to achieve more than they could accomplish alone. Groups have collaborated to dance, play music, pull off ambitious sporting endeavors and tell cancer to take a hike, among a flurry of other feats.
713 Records Found

Most People Somersaulting

Most People Sounding A Penguin Call Simultaneously
Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

Most People Spinning In Office Chairs At Once
YouTube Nation

Most People Squeaking Balloons At Once
Dave Niswonger

Most People Standing On A Bed Base At Once
Andries Taljaard

Most People Standing On One Chair At Once
Dries Wellekens

Most People Standing On One Foot While Playing An iPhone Game
iD Tech Camps Ohio State Universty

Most People Staring At A Freshly Used Urinal In Silence
Team Hot Pink

Most People Swing Dancing While Dressed In Traditional Austrian Outfits
Most People Tapping Their Noses At Once
Hagalil USY

Most People Throwing Paper Airplanes At Once
Columbia International College

Most People Throwing Paper Christmas Party Hats At Once
John Hinchliffe

Most People To "Blowfish" A Window At Once
iD Tech Camp Villanova

Most People To "Boo" Cancer At Once
Mel Sampson

Most People To Apologize At Once

Most People To Blow Bubble Gum Bubbles At Once
Reflections of Christ Student Ministry
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