Highest World Records

1827 Records Found

00:55 United States

Highest Score In "Jaws" (NES)

Rudy Ferretti

Rudy F. earned 10,341,420 points in Jaws. Watch his entire gameplay here.

05:25 United States

Highest Score On "Furu Furu Park: Swan Shooter"

Shawne Vinson

Shawne Vinson earned 2,453,600 points in Furu Furu Park: Swan Shooter.

06:51 United States

Highest Score In "Swan Shooter: Night Strike" (Wii)

Shawne Vinson

Shawne Vinson earned 3,487,200 points in Swan Shooter: Night Strike.

04:13 Mexico

Highest Score In Jamaican Dance In "Just Dance 3"

Melissa Owens

Melissa O. earned 11,335 points in Jamaican Dance in Just Dance 3.

00:16 The Internet

Highest Score In "The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights" (Xbox LIVE)


Ryan earned 205,153,230 points in The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights for XBox LIVE.

00:9 The Internet

Highest Average Age Of Three People Riding A Three-Person Bicycle

Bob Swaim

Bob Swaim (66), Stanley Wohlbach (92), and Joseph Zeller (93) rode an unorthodox three-person bicycle on the Saucon Rail Trail. The average age of the three riders stood at 83.3 years at the time of the attempt. Read more about the feat here.

00:54 United States

Highest Scoring Move From Playing A Single "X" In Scrabble

Tai Star

Tai Star scored 96 points from placing a letter "X" in a game of Scrabble.

00:35 United States

Highest Number Counted To In Ternary (Base 3) In 30 Seconds


Jonathan A. counted 38 numbers in ternary in 30 seconds.

02:09:06 United States

Highest Score In "Space Invaders" For Atari 2600

Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman earned 122,578 on Space Invaders for the Atari 2600.

01:52 United States

Highest Score On "Breakout" For Atari 2600 On Xbox Live Arcade's Game Room

Matt Siegfried

Matt Siegfried earned 384 points on Breakout for Atari 2600 on Xbox Live Arcade's Game Room.

02:00 Canada

Greatest Height From Which To Pour Egg Nog Into Someone Else's Mouth

Craig Morrison

Craig Morrison poured egg nog into Sam Stilson’s mouth from a height of 184 centimeters (72.4 inches). Morrison set the record during a live taping Breakfast Television in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. RecordSetter Council president Dan Rollman and senior official Corey Henderson presided over the attempt.

01:34 The Internet

Highest Score On "Hoop Fever" Arcade Game

Nicholas Cobb

Nicholas C. earned 97 points on Hoop Fever arcade game.

00:37 The Internet

Highest High Five

Greg Harrell-Edge

Greg Harrell-Edge and Dave Penndorf performed a high five 9 1/2 feet (114 inches) off the ground. The duo set the record to celebrate National High Five Day.

01:11 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Bunny Maniacs: Level 5" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 119,000 points in Bunny Maniacs: Level 5.

01:22 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Jelly Mania: Level 3" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 8,850 points in Jelly Mania: Level 3.

00:11 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Panda Pop: Level 9" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 51,810 points in Panda Pop: Level 9.

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