Highest World Records

1827 Records Found

00:40 The Internet

Highest Distance To Drop A Starburst Into A Jar

Jonathan Merrill

Jonathan Merrill dropped a Starburst into a jar from a height of 143 inches (11.91 feet).

01:39 The Internet

Highest Pile Of Styrofoam Stood On By Two People

Will Margerum

Will Margerum and his friend stood on a pile of Styrofoam 47.50 inches in height; each piece of foam is 11.875 inches in height.

01:45 The Internet

Highest "Air Sip"

David Dargay

David Dargay took a sip of water dropped from a height of 12 feet.

00:16 United States

Highest Score In "Need for Speed: Carbon"

Akshay Kalose

Akshay Kalose earned 84,402 points in Need for Speed: Carbon.

00:1 The Internet

Highest Score On "Old Snakey"

Brian Murray

Brian Murray earned 390 points on Old Snakey in Gmail.

06:19 Canada

Highest Pulse Jump Resulting From A Phobia

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie’s pulse jumped 30 bpm as the result of a phobia.


Highest Skee-Ball Score While Blindfolded

Roy Hinojosa

Roy Hinojosa earned 410 points in a singleSkee-Ballframe rolling blindfolded. He set the record at the Brewskee-Ball National Championship at Full Circle Bar in Brooklyn, New York. [#Brewskee-BallNYC2011][]


Highest Skee-Ball Score While Rolling Balls Backward Between Legs

Steve Welch

Steve Welch earned 350 points in a singleSkee-Ballframe, rolling each ball through his legs while facing backwards. He set the record at the Brewskee-Ball National Championship at Full Circle Bar in Brooklyn, New York. [#Brewskee-BallNYC2011][]

01:44 United States

Highest Muscle Pass With An Eisenhower Silver Dollar Coin While Hand Rests On Table

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed an 11-inch-high muscle pass with an Eisenhower Dollar coin, while his hand rested on a table.

02:03 United States

Highest Muscle Pass With A Poker Chip While Hand Rests On Table

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed a 16-inch-high muscle pass with an eight-gram poker chip, while his hand remained on the table.

01:38 United States

Highest Distance To Drop A Connect Four Piece Into A Connect Four Board

Josh Graber

Josh Graber dropped a Connect Four piece to a Connect Four board from a height of 31.5 inches.

02:09 United States

Highest Score In The Sports Minigame In "ExciteBots: Trick Racing"

Alex Cunningham

Alex Cunningham earned 144 points in the sport minigame in "Excitebots: Trick Racing."

02:11 Ireland

Highest Score In "High Vaultage" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 14,193 points in High Vaultage.

04:58 Ireland

Highest Score In "Zombie Marching: Level 1" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 781 points in Zombie Marching.

01:54 Ireland

Highest Score In "Tofu Hunter: Level 1-1" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 23,000 points in Tofu Hunter: Level 1-1.

09:42 Ireland

Highest Score In "Cube Crash" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 94,957 points in Cube Crash.

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