169 Records Found

Most Pens Held With Crook Of Elbow At Once
Rob Costa

Most People Fit Inside A Swim Cap
Joey Mette

Most People Holding Lighted Oil Lamps At Once
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation

Most Pine Cones Held In One Hand (Junior)
Noa Ohlund

Most Pizza Boxes Held By Two People At Once
Jimmy Smith

Most Pokemon Videos Held At Once
Elliot Omohundro

Most Poker Chips Held In Hand At Once
Wesley Van Zwol

Most Potted Plants Held At Once
Tagawa Gardens

Most Pumpkins Held At Once
Michael Klingenmeier

Most Readers' Advisory Books Held In One Hand In A Public Library
Rick Roche

Most Reps Leveraging A 3.5-Pound Axe With Right Arm While Holding A 110-Pound Anvil With Left Arm
Clint Poore

Most Right-Handed Basketball Shots Made While Holding A Mounted Squirrel In Left Hand
Andy Pelphrey

Most Skee-Balls Held At Once
Brewskee Ball

Most Small Plastic Easter Eggs Held In One Hand
Kyle Johnson

Most Softballs Held In One Hand With Palms Down
Brian Pankey

Most Starbursts Held In One Hand
Brian Pankey
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