3547 Records Found

Longest "Pokemon Ruby" Play Time
Ryan Weiss

Longest "Pokemon Sapphire" Play Time
Ryan Weiss

Longest "Raspberry" Cheer Directed Toward A Camera
Christophe Flodstrom

Longest "RecordSetter Book Of World Records" Book Domino Chain
Malcolm U

Longest "Shave Me!" Play Time (Mobile)
Ryan Weiss

Longest "Shh"
Jovah Siegel

Longest "SpongeBob" Laugh
Just Doing

Longest "Truly Madly Deeply" Cover With An Irish Accent
Ben Thomas

Longest 3D (HD) Video On YouTube
Darryl Learie

Longest 6-12 Inch Straight Leg Hold
Alicia Weber

Longest 90-Degree Static Hold One Armed Push-Up
Guillaume Bourgeois

Longest 90-Degree Static Hold One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Up
Guillaume Bourgeois

Longest 90-Degree Static Hold Push-Up With 25 Pounds On Back
Alicia Weber

Longest Abacus
Phyilly Wong

Longest Active Skype Call
Tiana (Nintiana)

Longest Aerobics Ball "Bull Ride" By A Duo In Kate And Will Masks
Urgent Genius
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