Most World Records
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- Most Used Pen Collection
- Most American Pennies In A Hat
- Most Jelly Beans Eaten In 10 Seconds
- Most Cats In A Car
- Most Lampshades Worn On Head At Once
- Most Bulls Hats Balanced On One Head
- Most Consecutive Fingertip Pushups
- Most Candles Lit Using A Magnifying Glass To Ignite The Flame
- Most Condoms Sucked Through Nose In A Minute
- Most Times To Say "Badger" In One Minute
7868 Records Found

Fastest Time To Run 10 Laps Around A Four-Wheeler
Andy Pelphrey

Fastest Time To Run Backwards Holding Stuffed Animals While Blindfolded For 30 Feet
Cristian Roma

Fastest Time To Set 100 Total Body Exercise Records Up To One Hour Long
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Touch A String With Feet 100 Times While Holding A Headstand
Suresh Gaur

Furthest Distance Run On A Treadmill In 12 Hours By Two People
Christian Malmström

Heaviest Atlas Stone Overhead Press (Athlete Under 200 Lbs)

Heaviest Grocery Bags Held For 30 Seconds
Darryl Learie

Heaviest Olympic Barbell Tricep Extension Behind Head While Lying Down (Athlete Over 50 Years Old)
Thommy Ohlund

Heaviest Weight Using Weight Plates Stacked On Lap
Abel Duron

Highest "Flappy Bird" Score While Doing A Handstand
Luis Morales

Highest Non-Stop Climb On An Arms-Only Rope In One Minute
Alicia Weber

Highest Radio Tower Pull-Up
Tristan McGrady

Highest Score On 'Red Devil' While Playing Rock Band 2
Zachary Mallicoat

Highest Shooting Percentage Over A 24-Hour Basketball Shooting Marathon
Mike Slonina

Largest 3D "Zombie Crawl" At A Drive-In Theatre
Cinister Cinemas

Largest Armpit Fart Orchestra
Stefanie Rieder
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