Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:50 The Internet

Most Popsicle Sticks Broken In 10 Seconds

Layla Thakkar

Layla Thakkar broke 11 Popsicle sticks in 10 seconds.

00:14 The Internet

Most Pop-Tarts Broken With A Single Karate Chop

Alex Lynn

Alex L. broke 20 Pop-Tarts in a single karate chop.

01:40 Pakistan

Most Pop-Up Exercises Performed In One Minute


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 37 pop-up exercises in one minute.

02:13 United States

Most Portraits Of Strangers Drawn Ambidextrously In Two Minutes

Edmond Hawkins

ArtistEdmond Hawkins drew 11 portraits of strangers using both his left and right hand in two minutes. Hawkins set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS15][]


Most Positive Messages Tweeted To Someone Fighting Cancer In 24 Hours

Next Conference 2011 Attendees

Twitter users around the world sent a total of 224 tweets to Bena Roberts in a 24-hour period, wishing her good thoughts in her battle against cancer. Roberts, who is fighting breast cancer, had no idea the tweets were coming. The record was kicked off during a speech by URDB president Dan Rollman at the 2011 Next Conference in Berlin, Germany. See all tweets sent to @BenaRoberts here. Read Bena’s blog post about the record here.

04:37 Italy

Most Post-It Notes Attached To Face In One Minute

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter stuck 55 Post-it notes to his face in one minute.

00:28 The Internet

Most Post-Move Pivots In 15 Seconds

Michael Talal

Michael Talal performed 18 post-move pivots in 15 seconds.

01:37 United States

Most Potato Chips Eaten In One Minute

Travis Mizejewski

Travis Mizejewski ate 27 potato chips in one minute. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:22 The Internet

Most Potato Chips Eaten Off A Mustache

Jackson Wallen

Jackson Wallen ate two potato chips off of his mustache.

09:59 Canada

Most Potato Latkes Eaten In 8 Minutes

Furious Pete

Professional eater Peter Czerwinski ate 46 potato latkas in eight minutes. Each latka weighed three ounces for a total of 8.6 pounds. NOTE: Speed eating can be dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

03:25 Canada

Most Potatoes Cut Into Swirls In One Minute

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman cut five red potatoes into swirls in one minute.

03:14 Slovakia

Most Potatoes Held In Hand

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik held 27 potatoes in his hand at once.

05:52 Canada

Most Potatoes Stuffed Inside Pants While Wearing Them In One Minute

The Record Collection

Craig Morrison and Sam Stilson of The Record Collection each fit 21 pounds of potatoes in their pants in one minute. They competed to see who could fit the most potatoes by weight, but ended up tying. The pre-record weight of Craig Morrison was 160 pounds, while Sam Stilson weighed 191.5 lbs.At the weigh-in afterwards, Craig weighed 181 pounds and Sam weighed 212.5 pounds. The record was set at a St. Patrick’s-themed World Record Appreciation Society[] event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. tag:WRAS13 tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:59 The Internet

Most Potted Plants Held At Once

Tagawa Gardens

Brian of Tagawa Gardens held nine potted plants at once. He set the record as part of Tagawa Gardens Community Festival.


Most Power Balance Wrist Bands Put On In 30 Seconds

Kristen Lopez

Kristen Lopez put on 25 Power Balance wrist bands in 30 seconds. The record was set at Angel Stadium of Anaheim during an event sponsored byPower Balance.RecordSetterco-founder Corey Henderson was present to oversee and adjudicate record. #PB01

02:29 United States

Most Power Gems In "Super Puzzle Fighter II" (MAME)

Bobby Wilson

Bobby Wilson earned 40 power gems on the MAME version of Super Puzzle Fighter II.

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