7868 Records Found

00:43 United States

Most Full Rep Towel L Pull-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 45 full rep towel L pull-ups.

00:52 The Internet

Most Balloons Popped By Two People Hugging In 30 Seconds

Garon Goodspeed

Garon and his friend popped 23 balloons from hugging in 30 seconds.

07:47 United States

Most Consecutive Flutter Presses With 40% Of One's Body Weight

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 155 flutter presses with weights equivalent to 40% of her body weight.

01:43 United States

Most Dogs Playing Dead At Once

Bixbi Pet

A total of 11 dogs played dead at once during Play-Dead-a-Palooza, an event organized by Bixbi. They set the record to raise awareness about dog deaths due to contamination from jerky pet treats made in China. RecordSetter President Dan Rollman was present to adjudicate the attempt. Learn more about the issue here.

03:41 Spain

Largest Wall Of Cardboard Boxes Knocked Down Using A Hybrid Human-Cardboard Battering Ram

OtraMovida Records

Anna Simon, a host at Otra Movida, knocked down 48 cardboard boxes dressed as a hybrid human-cardboard battering ram.

04:32 Scotland

Most Deep Squats In Four Minutes

William Cannon

William C. completed 374 deep squats in four minutes.

02:33 United States

Most DVD Cases Stacked In One Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 113 DVD cases in his hand.

02:54 United States

Most Tweets Sent During A Live Interview

Colt Whitmore

While Colt Whitmore (@coltwhitmore) interviewed Jeff and Greg (@Jeffgregpodcast) and Kyle Konklin (@Darkend3), they sent a total of 30 tweets. The record was set at The Colt Whitmore Show live from Idaho.

01:44 India

Most Consecutive Thumb Push-Ups

shaikh rejaul

Shaikh R. performed 65 consecutive thumb push-ups.

04:20 United States

Largest Kitchen Band

Aldersgate United

50 members of Aldersgate United Methodist Youth group formed a kitchen band. Each contributor used kitchen implements to play their part in their debut song.

07:47 Slovakia

Most Plastic Forks Stuck In Hair At Once

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik stuck 204 plastic forks in someone's hair at once.

00:48 India

Most Balloon Bounces On Elbow In 45 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a balloon on his elbow 195 times in 45 seconds.

22:30 Wales

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces On A Glass Bottle

Mark Evans

Mark Evans completed 5,058 consecutive table tennis ball bounces on a glass bottle.

02:18 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls While Riding A Unicycle

perry petaccia

Perry Petaccia made 325 catches juggling three balls while riding a unicycle.

00:30 Slovakia

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 163 times in 15 seconds while wearing socks on his hands.

01:26 Sweden

Most Consecutive Laps Drifting A Motorcycle On An Ice Track Without Wearing A Shirt

Olof Eriksson

Olof Eriksson completed two laps drifting a motorcycle on an ice racing track without wearing a shirt.

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