Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:11 Wales

Most Bounces Of A Rubik's Cube On A Tennis Racquet

Mark Evans

Mark Evans bounced a Rubik’s cube on a tennis racquet 83 times.

01:02 United States

Most Ping Pong Balls Flashed

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey flashed six ping pong balls.

00:51 United States

Most Ping Pong Balls Juggled With One Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three ping pong balls in one hand.

01:04 United States

Most Playing Card Thumb Fans With A One-Handed Close In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 26 playing card thumb fans with a one-handed close in one minute. He completed a total of 27 but the last attempt did not fall inside the one-minute mark.

00:18 United States

Most Balls Flashed In A Reverse Cascade Pattern While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey flashed seven balls in a reverse cascade pattern while balancing on a rola bola.

00:12 United States

Most Bananas Flashed In A Juggling Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey flashed five bananas in a juggling pattern.

10:02 United States

Most Sports Competed In At Elite Level In One Year

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber competed in 10 sports at Elite level in 2009.

02:09 United States

Most Chicago Bulls Hats Balanced On Head

KV Crew

A member of the KV Crew balanced 23 Chicago Bulls hats on his head.

00:31 United States

Most Mousetraps Set Off On Tongue In 30 Seconds

Kameron Messmer

Kameron Messmer set off six mousetraps on his tongue in 30 seconds. NOTE: This feat is extremely dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals with safety precautions on hand.

00:50 United States

Most Golf Ball Bounces On A Rubber Mallet While Spinning A Pillow

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a golf ball on a rubber mallet 106 times while spinning a pillow in his other hand.

00:13 United States

Most Bananas Juggled At Once

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled four bananas at once.

00:53 France

Most Consecutive Clapping Side Plank Press-Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 12 consecutive clapping side plank press-ups.

09:08 The Internet

Largest Collection Of Mike Sweeney Baseball Cards

Grant Scherer

Grant Scherer has 274 Mike Sweeney baseball cards in his collection. His friends, Anna, Nate and Lily, helped him set the record.


Most Women Simultaneously Giving A Mixed Martial Arts Self-Defense Demonstration

Rajasthan Adventure Sports Cultural & Welfare Society - Jodhpur

A total of 158 women from the Rajasthan Adventure Sports Cultural & Welfare Society, Jodhpur simultaneously performed a Mixed Martial Arts self-defense demonstration. They performed the feat during the Republic Day celebration in India.

01:45 France

Most 45-Degree One-Armed Push-Ups In One Minute

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 173 45-degree one-armed push-ups in one minute.

00:33 United States

Most Catches Juggling Five Two-Pound Balls In A Cascade Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 77 catches while juggling five two-pound balls in a cascade pattern.

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