Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:11 The Internet

Most Consecutive Full Extension Push-Ups Using "Core 500"

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 12 full extension push-ups using Core 500.

00:59 India

Most Arm Rotations In 35 Seconds

shreyas raju

Shreyas R. rotated his right arm 80 times in 35 seconds.

00:03 United States

Most Dice With One Pip On Six Virtually-Rolled Dice

Vito O.

Viktor O. turned up five dice with one pip displayed after rolling six dice on Dice Roller.

02:26 Italy

Most Pistol Squats On Two Hatchets

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter performed four pistol squats on two hatchets. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:35 The Internet

Most Steel-Tipped Arrows Broken Simultaneously With Neck

Mike Gillette

Mike Gillette broke three steel-tipped arrows simultaneously using his neck. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

43:59 Italy

Most Laps Walked On Top Of A Circle Of 52 Glass Bottles

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter walked 100 laps on top of a circle of 52 glass bottles.

01:51 The Internet

Most Bicep Curl Reps Using Two 40-Pound Salt Bags

Emanuel E-mac

Emanuel E-mac performed 20 bicep curl reps using two 40-pound salt bags.

04:37 Ireland

Most Knock-Outs Made In One Minute In "Super Smash Brothers" (3DS)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. made 10 knock-outs in one minute in Super Smash Brothers.

02:04 United States

Most Plyometric Inverted Row Chin-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 74 plyometric inverted row chin-ups

00:23 Philippines

Most Crowns Awarded At A Beauty Pageant

Ms. Tourism World Philippines 2014

During the 2014 Miss World Tourism Philippines, 10 crowns were awarded to the beauty pageant winners. See list of crowned winners here. The record was set to promote Philippine tourism, culture, and art. RecordSetter Officials Dan Rollman and Ma-ann Pacion were present to adjudicate the attempt.

00:14 United States

Most Glitter Balloons Popped In 11 Seconds

YouTube Nation

Lizzie Bassett from YouTube Nation popped 30 glitter balloons in 11 seconds.

00:15 United States

Most People Spinning In Office Chairs At Once

YouTube Nation

As Miles Gray created a vlog post, 29 people at YouTube Nation spun in office chairs at the same time.

29:00 United States

Most Hopscotch Court Repetitions In 20 Minutes

20or20 Challenge

Ryan performed 182 hopscotch repetitions in 20 minutes. He set the record as part of the 20 Or 20 challenge to help fight obesity and promote the importance of being fit and healthy. Learn more about 20 Or 20 here.

01:12 United States

Most Over-The-Shoulder Reps Using A 100-Pound Medicine Ball In 45 Seconds

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 14 over-the-shoulder reps in 45 seconds using a 100-pound medicine ball.

00:43 India

Most Microsoft "Windows" Closed In 20 Seconds


Rahil S. closed 39 Microsoft Windows in 20 seconds.

06:26 England

Most Quiz Books Published By A Single Author

Chris Cowlin

Chris Cowlin published 119 quiz books. Read more about the feat here.

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