Most World Records

7868 Records Found

02:44 France

Most People Bomb Diving Into A Swimming Pool While Wearing Party Hats And Blowing Party Whistles


Glandu and 47 other people bomb dived into a swimming pool while wearing party hats and blowing party whistles.

14:45 United States

Most Nutri-Grain Bars Eaten In One Sitting

Naader Reda

Naader Reda ate 50 Nutri-Grain bars in one sitting. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:00:02 United States

Most Abdominal Wheel Roll-Outs From Standing Position In One Hour

Robert "Cozmo"

Robert "Cozmo" Consulmagno performed 539 consecutive abdominal wheel roll-outs from standing position in one hour. He set the record to raise awareness about bipolar disorder, PTSD, and general mental health issues. Read more about the feat here.

00:47 England

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Three Hula Hoops In A Back Roll Shower Pattern

Callum Baker

Callum Baker completed 22 catches juggling three hula hoops in a back roll shower pattern.

01:42 United States

Most Spins While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On One Side Of A Table Tennis Table

Matthew Sundin

Matthew S. spun five times while bouncing a table tennis ball on one side of a table tennis table.

00:08 Netherlands

Most Rings Juggled While Balancing A Ball On A Pole On Forehead

Niels Duinker

Niels Duinker juggled eight rings while balancing a ball on a pole on his forehead.

02:13 United States

Most Consecutive Decline Locked-Finger Push-Ups In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 45 consecutive locked-finger push-ups in two minutes.

02:01 India

Most Consecutive One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Clapping Push-Ups

shaikh rejaul

Shaikh Rejaul performed 40 consecutive one-armed back-of-hand clapping push-ups.

00:30 The Internet

Most Basketball Pivots In 15 Seconds


Record Setter performed 32 basketball pivots in 15 seconds.

01:31 England

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls In One Minute While Wearing Socks On Hands

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson completed 250 catches juggling three balls in one minute while wearing socks on his hands.

02:18 Scotland

Most Steps Taken On A Six-Inch High Stepper While Carrying A 45-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Left Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon took eight steps on a six-inch high stepper while carrying a 45-pound Z-bell above his head using his left hand.

00:41 United States

Most Objects Hung On A Basketball Hoop

Nathan Feveryear

Nathan, Dylan, and Brandon hung 300 objects on a basketball hoop.

03:09 England

Most Consecutive Times To Complete "Doing Things The Hard Way" Game


Mtcoxygen completed Doing Things The Hard Way 15 consecutive times.

02:04 England

Most Consecutive Back Drops On A Trampoline In Two Minutes

Elliot Tomkins

Elliot T. completed 148 back drops on a trampoline in two minutes.

02:45 Scotland

Most Steps Taken On A Stepping Machine While Carrying A 72-Pound Z-Bell Above Head With Right Hand (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)

William Cannon

William Cannon took eight steps on a stepping machine while carrying a 72-pound Z-bell above his head with his right hand. His body weight during the attempt is under 200 pounds.

01:50 Scotland

Most Steps Taken On A Stepper Machine While Carrying A 110-Pound Dumbbell In Left Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon took 10 steps on a stepper machine while carrying a 110-pound dumbbell in his left hand.

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