Most World Records

7868 Records Found

02:50 India

Most Balloons Inflated In One Minute

sadham hussain

Sadham Hussain inflated 11 balloons in one minute, using only his breath. He set the record at the Dr. NGP Institute of Technology in Tamil Nadu, India.

United States

Most Bounces Of A Foam Ball On A Power Rangers Nintendo Cartridge While Seated

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins bounced a foam ball on a Power Rangers Nintendo cartridge 80 times while seated.

03:50 New Zealand

Most Hula Hoop Rotations On One Arm In One Minute

Liam Steven

Liam S. rotated a hula hoop on his arm 131 times in one minute.

04:10 India

Most Balloons Inflated In Three Minutes

sadham hussain

Sadham Hussain inflated 29 balloons in three minutes, using only his breath. He set the record at the Dr. NGP Institute of Technology in Tamil Nadu, India.

00:18 Belgium

Most Consecutive Mini Salami Headers By A Duo

Jona Fred

Jona and his friend bounced a mini salami between their heads two consecutive times.

01:47 Canada

Most RecordSetter World Records Set By A Canadian

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman set 1,700 RecordSetter world records. See all his records here.

08:26 United States

Most Side-To-Side Plank Jumps In Eight Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 170 side-to-side plank jumps in eight minutes.

00:40 United States

Most Stress Ball Bounces On Alternate Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Vito O.

Vito O. bounced a stress ball on alternate sides of a table tennis paddle 72 times.

United States

Most Nintendo 64 Games Balanced On A Tin Of Mints

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins balanced 15 Nintendo 64 games on a tin of mints.

01:11 United States

Most Dry Ice Put In A Hot Tub

Skylar Thompson

Skylar T. put 20 pounds of dry ice into a hot tub.

United States

Most Bounces Of A Toy Basketball On A Banjo-Kazooie Cartridge

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins bounced a toy basketball on a Banjo-Kazooie cartridge 28 times.

United States

Most Harmonicas Fit In Mouth And Played

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins fit two harmonicas in his mouth and played them simultaneously.

United States

Most Skylanders Action Figures Fit In A Deadpool Beanie

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins fit 31 Skylanders action figures in a Deadpool beanie.

00:33 Belgium

Most Calamari Ring Bounces Using Another Calamari Ring Ending With A Breakdance Routine

Pedro Elias

Pedro Elias bounced a calamari ring on another calamari ring five times, ending with a breakdance routine.

01:50 United States

Most Baseball Hits Using SKLZ Hit-A-Way Baseball Swing Trainer (Junior)

Benjamin Dalton

Benjamin D. hit a baseball 34 times using a SKLZ Hit-A-Way baseball swing trainer. He is 10 years old.

United States

Most Colorado-Themed Sports Cards Held At Once

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins held six Colorado-themed sports cards at once.

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