Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:30 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Nintendo 64 Cartridge While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a plastic golf ball on alternate sides of a Nintendo 64 cartridge 92 times while balancing on a rola bola.

02:25 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On A Nintendo 64 Cartridge While Balanced On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a plastic golf ball on a Nintendo 64 cartridge 245 times while balancing on a rola bola.

02:20 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Nintendo 64 Cartridge

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a plastic golf ball on alternate sides of a Nintendo 64 cartridge 258 consecutive times.

00:49 United States

Most One-Handed Claps In 30 Seconds In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

00:55 United States

Most Times "Raising the Roof" In Two Minutes In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

00:42 United States

Most Green Vegetables Named In 20 Seconds In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

00:58 United States

Most "Ants On A Log" Made In Two Minutes In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

01:08 United States

Most Bicep Flexes To Impress A Passenger In A Prius In 30 Seconds

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

01:33 United States

Most People To Register For "Be The Match" Bone Marrow National Registry

Texas 4000

Led by Bijal Mehta of Texas 4000, 400 people registered for the "Be The Match[]" National Bone Marrow Registry. The organization’s purpose is to help raise awareness about the importance of donating bone marrow as a way to save people who are suffering from leukemia and other life-threatening diseases.

01:10 United States

Most People In A Bar Toasting To Team Fox And A Cure For Parkinson's Disease

Team Fox

A toast to Team Fox and to finding a cure for Parkinson’s Disease was made by 93 people simultaneously.

00:42 United States

Most Consecutive Cossak Dance Kicks While Facing A Can Of Sun Drop Soda

Simon Kirk

Simon Kirk completed eleven consecutive Cossak dance kicks while facing a can of SunDrop soda.

00:4 United States

Most Times Honking A Horn At A Video Camera

Carl Cutler

Carl Cutler honked a horn at a video camera seven times. Cutler set this record during an attempt to achieve the most world records set in one minute. He completed this record during an episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

00:6 United States

Most Times Hitting Oneself On The Head With A Tambourine While Standing On A Skateboard

Carl Cutler

Carl Cutler hit himself in the head with a tambourine 10 times while standing on a skateboard. Cutler set this record during an attempt to achieve the most world records set in one minute. He completed this record during an episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

00:12 United States

Most Pairs Of Scissors Stuck Into A Chocolate Bunny

Carl Cutler

Carl Cutler stuck five pairs of scissors into a defenseless but tasty chocolate bunny. Cutler set this record during an attempt to achieve the most world records set in one minute. He completed this record during an episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

01:39 United States

Most Eggs Kicked And Cracked While Barefoot In 10 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey kicked and cracked six eggs while barefoot in 10 seconds.


Most Combs In One's Hair

Jesse McMillan

75 combs were counted in Jesse McMillan’s hair. He performed the feat at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival in George, Washington. The record was set inside got2b’s World’s Biggest Shower[], a featured festival attraction. [#SMF01][]

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