Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:00 Canada

Most Catches While Juggling A Three-Ball Shower Pattern In One Minute

Mike Moore

446 consecutive catches while juggling a three-ball shower pattern in one minute.

00:34 Philippines

Most Adam's Apple Bobs In 30 Seconds

Jemwel Clint Bagazin

Jemwel Clint bobbed his Adam's apple up and down 106 times in 30 seconds.

04:57 United States

Most Consecutive One-Armed Push-Ups Holding A 10-Pound Medicine Ball On Back While Balancing An Egg On A Spoon In Mouth

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 59 one-armed push-ups holding a 10-pound medicine ball on her back while balancing a raw egg on a spoon in her mouth.

01:15 The Internet

Most Party Poppers Popped With One Pull

Phil Worsley

Phil W. popped 496 party poppers with one pull.

00:34 The Internet

Most Consecutive Catches During A Four-Ball Mills Mess Juggling Pattern In 30 Seconds


KooKie completed 164 consecutive catches during a four-ball Mills Mess juggling pattern in 30 seconds.

01:50 Brazil

Most Bounces Of A Soccer Ball By A 13-Year-Old Boy In One Minute

Joshua Duarte

Thirteen-year-old Joshua D. bounced a soccer ball on his feet 170 times in one minute.

00:43 The Internet

Longest Staircase Slid Down In A Sleeping Bag


Colton descended 18 flights of stairs while in a sleeping bag. NOTE: This record can be dangerous. Please be responsible and have adult supervision on hand.

00:16 United States

Most Social Networks Named In 10 Seconds

Doron T

Doron T. named 39 social networks in 10 seconds.

03:18 United States

Most Bananas Licked

Debra Emory

Debra E. licked 21 bananas consecutively.

02:21 France

Most Consecutive One-Thumb Clapping Push-Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois performed 45 consecutive one-thumb clapping push-ups.

00:44 Canada

Most Catches Juggling Two Basketballs One-Handed While Spinning A Basketball On A Pencil

Mason Axcell

Mason A. completed 42 catches juggling two basketballs one-handed while spinning a basketball on a pencil.

00:59 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 400-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed five reps bench pressing a 400-pound barbell. His body weight was 231 pounds during the attempt.

02:43 United States

Most Digits Of Pi Carved Into An Apple

Alex Cunningham

Alex C. carved 128 digits of Pi into an apple.

01:21 Australia

Most Clothespins Attached To Thumb


Brendan Kelbie attached 14 clothespins to his thumb at once.

02:31 Philippines

Most Pull-Ups On A Samurai Sword

Gerard Jessie

Gerard Jessie performed 22 consecutive pull-ups on a samurai sword. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions from minors.

03:03 The Internet

Most Golf Pencils Stuffed In A Beard

Phil Matarese

Phil M. stuffed 117 golf pencils in his beard.

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