Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:22 United States

Most Consecutive Tweets Using Every Letter Of The Alphabet

Doron T

Doron T. posted 40 consecutive tweets using every letter of the English alphabet.

United States

Most Bracelets Worn On Wrist At Once

Scott Dickinson

Scott D. wore 151 bracelets on his wrist at once.

01:19 United States

Most Peeps Placed On Sleeping Baby In A Stop-Motion Film

Greg Roberts

Greg Roberts placed three Peeps on his sleeping baby in a stop-motion film, a new world record. For those interested in beating the record, Roberts insists the baby must be under the age of one and the Peeps must be uneaten. The record was set at Roberts’ San Diego home on March 13, 2009, with his baby Liam featured in the film. Jessica Roberts witnessed the feat.

03:35 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces Using A Bar Stool

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a tennis ball 458 times using the seat of a bar stool.

09:54 United States

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces Using A Rubik's Cube

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball 1,554 times on a single side of a Rubik’s Cube, beating the previous record by 511 bounces.

00:56 United States

Most 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' Catchphrases Recited In One Minute

Nathan Elliott

Nathan recited 30 catchphrases from the film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in one minute.

44:04 India

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces Using Alternate Sides Of Paddle

Nadeem Subhra

Nadeem Subhra bounced a table tennis ball 6,005 times using alternate sides of his table tennis paddle.

00:09 Australia

Most Soccer Ball Juggles While Balancing On A Hoverboard

Jordan Lambiris

Jordan L. performed seven soccer ball juggles while balancing on a hoverboard.

01:47 Slovakia

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In One Minute While Wearing Socks On Hands

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 487 times in one minute while wearing socks on his hands.

03:01 United States

Most RecordSetter World Records Set While Wearing A RecordSetter T-Shirt

Clint Poore

Clint Poore set 29 RecordSetter world records while wearing a RecordSetter T-Shirt.

00:41 Australia

Most Hops On One Foot In 30 Seconds


Demythrate hopped on one foot 126 times in 30 seconds.

05:56 United States

Most Stuffed Animals Held In Lap At Once

Julie Funke

Julie F. held 61 stuffed animals in her lap at once.

01:17 United States

Most Ball Bounces On A Head Pedestal

Thom Wall

Thom Wall bounced a ball on a head pedestal 149 times.

00:28 Canada

Most Consecutive Walkovers In Snow

Allie and Elle inc productions

Bobbie-Allannah performed 13 walkovers in snow.

00:49 Slovakia

Most Balloon Bounces On Alternating Paddles In 30 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on alternating paddles 166 times in 30 seconds.

01:19 Slovakia

Most Balloon Bounces On A Table Tennis Paddle In One Minute While Balancing A Book On Head

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon 223 times on a table tennis paddle in one minute while balancing a book on his head.

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