Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:49 Georgia

Most Consecutive Handstand Push-Ups With Feet Against The Wall

Mamuka Ormotsadze

Mamuka Ormotsadze performed 48 consecutive handstand push-ups.

04:23 New Zealand

Most Marshmallows Fit In Open Mouth

Hannah Clerk

Hannah C. fit 44 marshmallows in her open mouth at once. WARNING: Stuffing food in mouth can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:25 The Internet

Most Hugs Against Cancer

Melissa Owens

Melissa Owens embarked upon a personal goal to break a hugging record. She gave out 600 hugs during a flash mob at Portlandrsquo;s Pioneer Courthouse Square[]. Owensrsquo; hugging record was the fifth URDB record to be set by supporters of the OHSU AYA program at the Knight Cancer Institute[].

03:05 The Internet

Most Erasers Balanced On Head At Once

grace bruer

Grace B. balanced 46 erasers on her head.

01:04 United States

Most Consecutive Catches While Juggling Four Basketballs

Bob Evans

Bob E. made 100 consecutive catches while juggling four basketballs.

00:54 England

Most Consecutive Times Heading An Exercise Ball

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly bounced an exercise ball 73 times using his head.

00:31 United States

Most Disney Movies Named In 10 Seconds


Isabel named 26 Disney movies in 10 seconds.

11:41 Chile

Most Consecutive Over-The-Leg Diabolo Catches

Felipe baraona

Felipe B. performed 555 consecutive over-the-leg diabolo catches.

02:55 France

Most One-Armed Push-Ups While Balancing An Egg On A Spoon In Mouth

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 51 one-armed push-ups while balancing an egg on a spoon in his mouth.

00:51 Sweden

Most Weight Suspended On Fingertips

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund suspended 88.10 pounds of weights on his fingertips.

07:10 India

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces While Balancing Two Bats On Shoulders

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur completed 1,140 consecutive bounces of a table tennis ball on a paddle while balancing two baseball bats on his shoulders.

04:05 United States

Most Consecutive Letters Burped

Joharren Stewart

Joharren Stewart burped 171 consecutive letters. Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will. General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

00:44 Slovakia

Most Times Bouncing A Balloon Off Of A Wall In 30 Seconds Using Hand While Wearing Sunglasses

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon off of a wall 175 times in 30 seconds using his right hand while wearing sunglasses.

00:38 Malaysia

Most King Cobras To Share A Bathtub With


Mohammad Izani sat with two king cobras in a bathtub. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:59 United States

Most Fiery Bricks Broken In 20 Seconds Using Bare Hands

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor broke 150 fiery bricks in 20 seconds with his bare hands. He is the founder of World Speed Brick Breaking Association.

03:04 Canada

Most PlayStation 3 Games Balanced On One Hand

Rob Cross

Jesse C. balanced 40 PlayStation 3 game cases on his hand.

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