Most World Records
Most Challenges
- Most Bites Taken Out Of An Oreo By Different People
- Most People People To Say "Are We There Yet?" In The Backseat Of A Car At Once
- Most Unbroken Cookies Fit In A Cookie Jar
- Most Birthday Candles Blown Out With One Breath
- Most Grapes Plucked In 10 Seconds Using Your Mouth
- Most Water Lifted On Swallowed Sword
- Most Doors Open And Shut In One Minute
- Most People To Fit Under A Bed
- Most Costume Accessories Worn At Once
- Most Hula Hoops Hula Hooped While Standing On One Leg
7868 Records Found

Most Targets Hit With A Bullwhip While Swallowing A Sword
Ryan Stock

Most Consecutive Back Flips
Sam Mcfarlane

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Beer Bottle While Standing On One Leg
Mark Evans

Most Hazelnuts Cracked With Butt In 10 Seconds
Juan Carlos

Most CDs Stacked On Elbow In One Minute
Pavol Durdik

Most Coins Tossed From Back Of Hand And Caught At Once
Mickey Natole

Most Consecutive Six-Finger Handstand Push-Ups
Vass Thesupersaiyan

Most Times Throwing And Catching An Apple While Walking Forward In An Apple Orchard
Pavol Durdik

Most Consecutive Knee Tucks With Five-Pound Ankle Weights On Legs
Alicia Weber

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Knife
Pavol Durdik

Most CD Cases Stacked On A Badminton Racquet Held With One Hand
Peter Durdik

Most Planche Push-Ups In One Minute
Georgian Records Federation

Most Playing Cards Dealt Individually With One Hand While Spinning A Basketball On One Finger
Brian Pankey

Most Tennis Ball Tosses Between Both Hands In 30 Seconds
Pavol Durdik

Most Apples Broken In Half With Bare Hands In One Minute
Clint Poore

Most Candlesticks Stuffed In A Sweatsuit Worn By Two People
Angela and Zach Cook
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