Most World Records

7868 Records Found

02:43 United States

Most Jenga Blocks Stacked On Tongue

Ryan DeNardo

Ryan DeNardo stacked a 26-block Jenga tower on Billy Disney’s tongue, a World Record. DeNardo and Disney set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society[] event held at Littlefield in Brooklyn, New York. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. #WRAS21

01:32 The Internet

Most Consecutive 20-Pound Dumbbell Curls While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Paddle

JJ Walker

JJ completed 40 consecutive 20-pound dumbbell curls while bouncing a table tennis ball on a paddle.


Most Hot Dogs Stuffed In A T-Shirt In 30 Seconds

George Booth

George Booth stuffed 185 hot dogs in his t-shirt in 30 seconds, a new world record. Booth set the record on March 1, 2011 during a URDB segment on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon[]. Rob Birdsong served as witness. To count the number of hot dogs, an image of the hot dogs was taken after the fact and counted with a digital pen. [#JF06][] tag:lnwjf


Most Times Setting A Marshmallow On Fire In 30 Seconds

Georgia Tyler

Georgia T. set a marshmallow on fire 20 times in 30 seconds.

01:34 Wales

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces On A Table Tennis Paddle Handle

Mark Evans

Mark Evans bounced a tennis ball 289 times on a table tennis paddle handle.

00:16 The Internet

Largest Armpit Fart Orchestra

Stefanie Rieder

Led by Stefanie Rieder, 39 people performed armpit farts at the same time, forming a record-breaking armpit fart orchestra.

01:11 United States

Most Consecutive Baseball Bounces On A Sledgehammer

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey executed 195 bounces of a baseball on a sledgehammer.

00:30 England

Most Times Heading A Soccer Ball In 30 Seconds

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. bounced a soccer ball on his head 75 times in 30 seconds.

00:24 Australia

Most Dominoes Balanced On Table Tennis Paddle And Lifted With Hand

Marcus Brims

Marcus B. placed 182 dominoes on a table tennis paddle and lifted it with one hand.

01:19 The Internet

Most Over-The-Thumb Pen Spins In One Minute

Alex Stott

Alex Stott performed 86 over-the-thumb pen spins in one minute.

07:19 Chile

Most Over-The-Arm Diabolo Catches

Domingo Irarrazaval

Domingo I. executed 376 consecutive over-the-arm catches with a diabolo.

00:58 United States

Most Tandem Pizza Slice Face Slaps In 15 Seconds

Samy K

Samy K. and Andres Rocha slapped each other in the face using slices of pizza a combined total of 360 times in 15 seconds.

01:09 United States

Most One-Handed Sets Of 3-6-3 Speed Stacking In One Minute

(~._.)~ ~(._.)~ ~(._.~)

Joshua M. completed nine one-handed sets of 3–6–3 speed stacking in one minute.

03:41 Canada

Most Times Inflating A Mega Whoopee Cushion And Sitting On It In One Minute

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie inflated and sat on a 17-inch Mega Whoopee cushion four times in one minute. He was attempting to do a five minute record but the whoopee cushion exploded.

00:32 United States

Most Xbox 360 Game Cases Balanced On One Hand

Thomas Hubbard

Thomas Hubbard balanced 70 [Xbox 360][1] game cases on one hand. [1]:

00:11 United States

Most Hats Put On Head In 10 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey put on 16 hats in 10 seconds.

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