Most World Records

7868 Records Found

03:34 United States

Largest Collection Of Four-Leaf Clovers

Chris and Taylor

Chris and Taylor has 65 four-leaf clovers in their collection.

00:37 United States

Most Reps Pressing A 111-Pound Dumbbell With Right Arm While Wearing A Kilt

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed five reps pressing a 111-pound dumbbell with his right arm while wearing a kilt.

02:34 United States

Most Consecutive Dips With Band Resistance

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 51 consecutive bar dips with band resistance.

00:06 United States

Most Vine Videos Created In One Day To Raise Awareness For A Cause


(RED) teamed up with Mashable to set the first-ever RecordSetter world record on Vine. On June 5th 2013, which marks the 32nd anniversary of the discovery of AIDS, people around the planet created 1,659 “(RED) themed” Vine videos to raise awareness that we can deliver an AIDS FREE GENERATION by 2015. David Guetta, Sophia Bush, and Twitter founders Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey were among those who created Vine videos and tagged them with a #REDWorldRecord hashtag. Videos from the campaign were featured on Mashable’s homepage and on the NASDAQ tower and marquee screen in Times Square. See all Vine videos created for the #REDWorldRecord here.

01:10 Canada

Most Duckpin Bowling Strikes In One Minute

Francis Levine-Croteau

Francis L. completed 14 duckpin bowling strikes in one minute.

00:58 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 380-Pound Wooden Log

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 380-pound wooden log nine times.

00:34 United States

Most Jumping Jacks In 30 Seconds

Brandon Mcalughlin

Brandon M. performed 57 jumping jacks in 30 seconds.

00:47 United States

Most Catches Juggling Seven Balls In Shower Pattern

Alex Rumford

Alex R. completed 58 catches juggling seven balls in a shower pattern.

01:00:27 Canada

Most Duckpin Bowling Pins Knocked Down In One Hour

Francis Levine-Croteau

Francis Levine-Croteau knocked down 4,718 duckpin bowling pins in one hour.

03:56 India

Most Yoga Asanas In 12 Hours (Female)

spkschools namakkal

K. S. Kanya from SPK Schools in Namakkal, India performed 1,407 yoga asanas in 12 hours. Dr. S. Prabu Kumar, chairman of the school institution, organized the record.

00:28 France

Most Catches Juggling Three Rocks While Balancing On A Slackline

Noël Cadeau de

Thibault completed 42 catches juggling three rocks while balancing on a slackline.

01:29 Australia

Most Bounces Of A Tennis Ball On A Tennis Racquet In One Minute


WoofDeadBang bounced a tennis ball on a tennis racquet 432 times in one minute.

00:28 United States

Most Catches Juggling Eight Balls In Shower Pattern

Alex Rumford

Alex R. completed 18 catches juggling eight balls in shower pattern.

00:54 England

Most Straddle Jumps On A Trampoline In 50 Seconds

Olivia Ashton

Olivia A. performed 50 straddle jumps on a trampoline in 50 seconds.

00:26 The Internet

Most Times Pressing The Lap Button On An iPad Stopwatch In 10 Seconds

Matthew O'Neal

Matthew O. pressed the lap button on her iPad stopwatch 112 times in 10 seconds.

00:36 United States

Most Consecutive Boards Broken Using High Kicks

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor's martial arts student broke three wooden boards using high kicks.

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