7868 Records Found

Most Balloons Popped By Two People During A One-Minute Radio Interview

Most Decks Of Cards Ripped In Half Using Teeth In One Minute
JD Anderson

Most Musical Instruments Used At Once To Play "Happy Birthday"
Norzamri Lagenda

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 260-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)
Clint Poore

Most RecordSetter World Records Set In Saint Kitts
Clint Poore

Most High Fives Given To A Five-Person Circle In One Minute
T. K.

Most Pop-Up Exercises Performed In One Minute

Most Frog Jumps With A Half-Turn Performed On A Beach In 30 Seconds
Clint Poore

Most Consecutive Strict One-Armed "Perfect Push-Ups" In 10 Minutes On Alternating Hands
Alicia Weber

Most Seated Punches By Eight Kids In One Minute
Kevin Taylor

Most Martial Arts Front Kicks In One Minute

Most People Making Balloon Animals At Once
Brian Jackson

Most License Plate Shreds Made With Bare Hands
JD Anderson

Most Times For A Group Of Kids To Jump Over Someoneo In One Minute
Megan Owens

Most Overhead Presses Using A Beach Chair While On A Beach
Clint Poore

Fastest Time To Break 50 Pencils Over Head
Jonathan Rivest
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