7868 Records Found

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 285-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)
Clint Poore

Most Stars Earned In "Bronze Cup - China" Course In "Excitebots: Trick Racing" (Wii)
Terri Zambo

Most Times To Slam A Nine-Kilogram Ball In One Minute
Mark Lammas

Most "Warheads" Candies Held In Mouth For One Minute

Most Stars Earned In "School Cup - Fiji" Course In "Excitebots: Trick Racing" (Wii)
Terri Zambo

Most Push-Ups Performed In 50 Seconds While Carrying A 10-Kg. Weight On Back
Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Most People To Hug A Sports Mascot At Once
Saint Louis University

Most Apples Crushed In Six Seconds
Matt Sikorski

Most Push-Ups Performed In 23 Seconds While Carrying A 50-Kg. Weight On Back
Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Most Stars Earned In "Bronze Cup - Kilimanjaro" Course In "Excitebots: Trick Racing" (Wii)
Terri Zambo

Most Times Saying "Ian" In 12 Seconds
Ian McGehee

Most Leg Presses In One Minute Using A 700-Pound Weight
Jason A Faulkner

Most People Somersaulting

Most Left-Knuckle Superman Push-Ups In 25 Seconds With One Leg Raised And One Arm Holding A 5-Kilogram Dumbbell While Carrying A 5-Kilogram Weight On Back
Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Most Contact Punches In One Minute (Female)
Megan Renee Owens

Most Notes Posted In Public Places By A Fictional Character
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