7868 Records Found

Most Two-Handed "Chen Ka" Card Cuts In 30 Seconds
Kamal Aslam

Most Two-Handed "Chen Ka" Card Cuts In One Minute
Kamal Aslam

Most Consecutive Knuckle Push-Ups On A Rock Bed
Nate Tower

Most Times Walking Backwards Across A Slackline
Tai Star

Most Squats On A Stability Ball
Nikolaos Sofianos

Most "Flip" Card Cuts In One Minute
Kamal Aslam

Most Scrabble Tiles Stacked On One Tile On A Triple Word Score Space On A Scrabble Board
Tai Star

Most Overhead Presses Using A 185-Pound Wooden Log
Clint Poore

Most One-Handed "Saber's Revolution 2 Aerial Tosser" Card Cut In 30 Seconds
Kamal Aslam

Most Times Bouncing A Hula Hoop On A Slackline
Tai Star

Most "Flash" Card Cuts In One Minute
Kamal Aslam

Most Successful Three-Point Shots Made In One Minute
Steve Nash

Most Consecutive Four-Finger Handstand Push-Ups
Vass Thesupersaiyan

Most Times Honking Horn At A Video Camera
George DeGraw

Most Euros Put On A RecordSetter Book Of World Records

Most Scrabble Tiles Standing Vertically On The Back Of A Scrabble Tile Rack
Tai Star
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