Most World Records

7868 Records Found

17:12 United States

Most Consecutive Beach Ball Bounces On A Putter Using Two Hands

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a beach ball on aputter1,445times.

04:04 United States

Most People To Simultaneously Dissolve Pep-O-Mint Life Savers

iD Tech Camps Villanova University

A total of 33 student campers fromiD Tech Camps Villanova University[] each simultaneously dissolved a Pep-O-MintLife Saver[] candy. [#iDTech][]

03:16 United States

Most People Playing "Knight, Cavalier, Princess"

iD Tech Camps Villanova University

A total of 54 students from iD Tech Camps Villanova University played the game "knight, cavalier, princess" at once [#iDTech][]

15:29 Canada

Most Clay Pidgeons Hit In 20 Shots From 50 Yards Away

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman broke nine clay pidgeons firing 20 shots from 50 yards away. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

27:28 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Beach Ball On A Plastic Baseball Bat

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a beach ball on a plastic baseball bat 3,632 times.

01:01 United States

Most Consecutive Baseball Bounces Alternating Between Two Claw Grip Hammers

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a baseball between two claw grip hammers 48 times.

17:33 United States

Most Dice-Related World Records Set During One Radio Show

Mick Cullen

Mick Cullen, Wil Zambole and Carl Cutler set six dice-related world records during one live episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM. The following records were attempted during the show: Fewest Golf Strokes Needed To Putt A Six On A Die Most Pips On 150 Dice Rolled Simultaneously By Three People Most Dice Balanced On A Putter Face Most Dice Banked Into A Plastic Cup In One Minute Most Successful Three-Man Dice Volleys Into A Cup in One Minute Most Dice Spun On A Corner By Two People In One Minute

02:54 United States

Most Slides On A Slip 'n Slide In One Minute While Wearing A Hot Dog Costume

Sean Sonic

Sean Sonic of radio station Channel 933 completed seven slides on a Slip ’n Slide while wearing a hotdog costume in one minute, a new world record.

01:57 United States

Most Sushi Roll Pieces Stuffed In Mouth In 30 Seconds

Sean Sonic

Sean Sonic of radio station Channel 933stuffed eight pieces of sushi rolls in his mouth in 30 seconds. NOTE: Stuffing food in your mouth can be dangerous. Please use caution and have adult supervision on hand.

01:18 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces Alternating Between Two Claw Grip Hammers

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a golf ball between two claw grip hammers 52 times.

01:11 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Two Table Tennis Balls On Two Hockey Pucks

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced two table tennis balls on two hockey pucks 125 times.


Most Fake World Records Texted To A Live Audience On Another Person's Phone And Read Aloud By The Recipient In Two Minutes

Kirk Larsen

Kirk Larsen texted 10 fake world records to live audiences in two minutes on another person’s phone and was read aloud by each recipient.

03:33 United States

Most Dice Balanced On A Putter Face

Wil Zambole

Wil Zambole, with the assistance of Carl Cutler, balanced 32 dice on a putter face with the putter held parallel to the ground. This record was set during a live episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

06:59 United States

Most Pips On 150 Dice Rolled Simultaneously By Three People

Mick Cullen

Mick Cullen, Carl Cutler, and Wil Zambole rolled a total of 537 pips on 150 dice during a live episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

00:32 United States

Most Refusals To Set A World Record In 30 Seconds

iD Tech Camps University of Michigan

A student camper from iD Tech Camps at University of Michiganrefused to set a world record 35 times in 30 seconds. [#iDTech][] tag:RecordSetterBook01

01:29 United States

Most Dice Spun On A Corner By Two People In One Minute

Carl Cutler

Carl Cutler and Wil Zambole spun 32 dice on one corner in one minute during a live episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

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