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342 Records Found

Most Matches Extinguished With Mouth Simultaneously
John Eggleston

Most Metal Wine Goblets Balanced On A Spoon Held In Mouth
Doug McManaman

Most Mini Marshmallows Caught In Mouth While Playing "Rock Band" Without Looking At The Screen
Eric Smyth

Most Mini Onions Fit In Mouth
Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

Most Mini Potatoes Fit In Closed Mouth
Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

Most Mini Tomatoes Fit In Mouth
Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

Most Mini Twiglets Fit In Mouth At Once
Adam Holmes

Most Mini-Marshmallows Fit In Closed Mouth
Michael Amato

Most Mints Bounced Off A Bongo And Caught In Mouth In One Minute
1031Virgin Radio

Most Mixed Berry Ice Breaker Sours Put In Mouth
Riley Rist

Most Mouth Pops In One Minute In A Prius
Prius Records

Most Myachi Tosses Through A Juggling Ring Being Held In Mouth In 30 Seconds
Brian Pankey

Most One Direction Arm Rotations In 15 Seconds While Holding Two Kitchen Knives And A 2.5-Kilogram Dumbbell In Mouth
Pavol Durdik

Most One-Armed Push-Ups While Balancing An Egg On A Spoon In Mouth
Guillaume Bourgeois

Most Orange Tic Tacs Put In Mouth While Wearing One Leather Glove
Dan DeLoof

Most Peanuts Caught In Mouth From Third Floor Of A Building
East NUTmobile Team
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