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283 Records Found

Most Musical Instruments Played While Riding A Unicycle
Samson Y Hiss

Most Musical Instruments Used At Once To Play "Happy Birthday"
Norzamri Lagenda

Most Musical Notes Sung While Singing Indian Classical Music And Juggling Three Tennis Balls In One Minute
Prasanna Bhojashettar

Most Musical Treble Clefs Drawn In One Minute
Phil McFarlane

Most Name Drops In A Freestyle Rap
Eric Schwartz

Most Names Credited On A Record Album
Peter Hollens

Most Native High-Resolution DSD Studio Albums Produced In One Year

Most One-Legged Squats While Playing A Didgeridoo
Tai Star

Most Opening Hits Before Playing "Sex Machine"
The RecordSetter Band

Most Paradiddle Diddles In 10 Seconds
Ian Allen

Most People Bending High Notes On Electric Guitars At Once In A Toyota Prius
Prius Records

Most People Dancing "The Whip" While Wearing Glow Sticks
Jin K

Most People Dancing To "Shake Your Sillies Out"
Maharishi Vidya
Most People Dancing To "The Cosby Show" Theme Song At Once
The JCC Manhattan Adaptations Groups

Most People Dancing To A Song Playing From A Car Stereo
James Medina

Most People Doing Air Guitar Windmills At Once
ACCYM Senior High Assembly
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