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642 Records Found

Most Participants In A Rousing Slow-Clap In A Prius
Prius Records

Most Party Poppers Popped At Once
Andrew Currie

Most People Air Thrusting In "Grand Theft Auto V: Online"

Most People Applying Sunscreen In The Rain

Most People Attempting To Solve Rubik's Cubes While Blindfolded And Standing On One Foot

Most People Balancing Apples On Foreheads At Once
spkschools namakkal

Most People Balancing On One Foot For 30 Seconds
Records For Water

Most People Ball Bobbing At Once
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation

Most People Blowing Bubbles On A Playground

Most People Blowing Soap Water Bubbles At Once
spkschools namakkal

Most People Bomb Diving Into A Swimming Pool While Wearing Party Hats And Blowing Party Whistles

Most People Bouncing A Balloon In The Air For 10 Seconds
Rob Roush

Most People Cheering Around A Van
Todd Price

Most People Clicking Pens At Once
Graphics Employees

Most People Coached Consecutively By A Single Person
Kelvin Lim

Most People Complimented By A Employee In Five Minutes
Joanna Hass
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