People World Records
People Challenges
- Most Bites Taken Out Of An Oreo By Different People
- Fastest Time For 4 People To Get In A Closet And Close The Door
- Most People People To Say "Are We There Yet?" In The Backseat Of A Car At Once
- Most People To Fit Under A Bed
- Most Amount Of People To Sing "Wheels On The Bus" On A Bus
- Most People Doing The Cotton Eye Joe Line Dance
- Greatest Number Of People To Sing Bob Marley's "One Love", Simultaneously Over A 24 Hour Period (worldwide)
- Fastestest Time to be Kicked in Groin by 10 Different People
- Most People On A Single Radio Show
- Calling The Most People "freddie Marg" In 30 Seconds
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642 Records Found

Most People Fit In A Hula Hoop

Most People Sitting On A Folding Chair
harry potter

Most People Playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" On Kazoos
Tinker Mill

Longest "Awkward Silence"
Captain Catasrophe

Most People Bomb Diving Into A Swimming Pool While Wearing Party Hats And Blowing Party Whistles

Most People Dancing To "Can't Stop The Feeling" While Wearing Glow Stick Necklaces

Most People Standing On One Chair At Once
Dries Wellekens

Most People In A Waste Container
Dries Wellekens

Longest Tequila Shot Relay
Kirsten Omwal

Most People Dancing Polonaise While Holding A Lacrosse Stick
lubbeek leopards

Most Balloons Popped On A Burlesque Costume
Sapphira (Priscilla Silcock)

Most "Hand Steps" Steps Descended By A Slinky
George bell

Most RecordSetter World Records Set By A Canadian
Doug McManaman

Largest Human Mandala
Compassionate Service Society

Most People Invisible Hula Hooping At Once
HOWLive Design Conference

Most Kids Repeating A Memory Verse With A Full-Sized Marshmallow In Mouth
Highpoint Kids
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