Points World Records

1688 Records Found

00:12 Ireland

Highest Score In "Cut The Rope: Level 4-2" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 5,736 points in Cut The Rope: Level 4-2.

00:18 Ireland

Highest Score In "Cut The Rope: Level 4-8" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 5,082 points in Cut The Rope: Level 4-8.

03:04 Ireland

Highest Score In "Vladi Bird" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 112 points in Vladi Bird.

00:35 United States

Highest Score In "Kirby's Dream Land" (Game Boy)

Isaac zavala

Isaac Z. earned 999,990 points in Kirby's Dream Land.

03:01 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flappy Soul" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 45 points in Flappy Soul.

00:09 United States

Highest Score In "Fruit Pop: Level 2" (Online)

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. earned 6,870 points in Fruit Pop: Level 2.

01:47 Ireland

Highest Score In "Bashy Birds" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 5,452 points in Bashy Birds.

00:28 Ireland

Highest Score In "Floppy Duck" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 12 points in Floppy Duck.

00:35 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flappy Ring" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 15 points in Flappy Ring.

00:49 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flappy Mario And Yoshi" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 26 points in Flappy Mario And Yoshi.

00:48 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flappy Doge" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 23 points in Flappy Doge.

01:08 Ireland

Highest Score In "Hoppy Frog" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 48 points in Hoppy Frog.

00:11 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Panda Pop: Level 9" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 51,810 points in Panda Pop: Level 9.

01:36 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Bunny Maniacs: Level 10" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 160,000 points in Bunny Maniacs: Level 10.

14:40 Ireland

Highest Score In "2048: Game Of Thrones Edition" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 16,824 points in 2048: Game Of Thrones Edition.

09:59 Ireland

Highest Score In "2048: Pokemon Edition" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 20,524 points in 2048: Pokemon Edition.

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