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110 Records Found

Fastest Time To Recite 2^0 To 2^100 From Memory While Blindfolded
Vaughan Heussenstamm

Fastest Time To Recite 75 Words Of Sarah Palin's Resignation Speech In Gibberish
Chrissy Bellman

Fastest Time To Recite All Academy Awards Best Pictures And Their Winning Years In Random Order
Kshitij Lohani

Fastest Time To Recite All Countries In Asia In One Breath
Attshan Ali

Fastest Time To Recite Alphabet With Fist In Mouth
Good Bye

Fastest Time To Recite First 500 Digits Of Pi While Blindfolded
Gnani Reddy Katukoori

Fastest Time To Recite Numbers 1 To 10
Athul Geo Joseph

Fastest Time To Recite Numbers 1 To 100 With Eyes Closed

Fastest Time To Recite Numbers 10 To 1 With Eyes Closed

Fastest Time To Recite Numbers 100 To 1 With Eyes Closed

Fastest Time To Recite The Alphabet Backwards While Juggling Six Balls
Vaughan Heussenstamm

Fastest Time To Recite The English Alphabet While Wearing A Toothpaste Mustache
Mark Robb

Fastest Time To Recite The First 50 Digits Of Pi While Doing A Headstand

Fastest Time To Recite The McDonald's Big Mac Rap
Ben McCloud

Fastest Time To Recite The Names Of All Nine Members Of µ From "Love Live!"

Fastest Time To Recite The Preamble To The United States Constitution Backwards
Nicholas Lambert
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