Speed World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
455 Records Found

Fastest Time For A Female To Chug A 12-Ounce Bottle Of Powerade
Kyley Koogler

Fastest Time For A Five-Year-Old To Run 60 Feet
Blake Beckham

Fastest Time For A Robot To Frost A Cupcake
Bre Pettis

Fastest Time For Father And Son To Chase Each Other Around A Rocking Chair 10 Times
Andy Pelphrey

Fastest Time For Four People To Each Read The First Four Limericks In "The Hopeful Trout And Other Limericks"
Sam Klarich

Fastest Time For Two People To Exchange Business Cards
World record

Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times
Matthew Jackson

Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pairs Of Shoes
Kathryn Minshew

Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants
Charles Truong

Fastest Time For Two People To Text The Words "O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?" Back And Forth To One Another
Eliza Harris
Fastest Time Put 10 People's Hair In Ponytails
Melissa Dorsey

Fastest Time Solving Mini Rubik's Cube While Sleeping A Yo-Yo
Brendan Larrabee

Fastest Time To Blow A Whistle At A Potholder Ten Times

Fastest Time To Blow Up A Balloon With Nose Until It Pops
Suresh Gaur

Fastest Time to Blow Up Five Balloons Until They Pop
Darryl Learie

Fastest Time To Break Five Pencils Over Head
Vlad Ivanov
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