Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

00:11 United States

Oldest Tavern To Perform Burpee Exercises In

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises in The Grand River Manor. The manor originally opened in 1847 and is the oldest tavern in the Western Reserve.

00:29 United States

Shortest Lava Cave Tube To Perform Burpee Exercises In

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises inside Mushpot Cave at the Lava Beds National Monument in California. The cave measures 770 feet in length.

01:37 The Internet

Shortest Person To Dunk On A Men's Regulation-Size Basketball Hoop

Porter Maberry

Porter Maberry successfully dunked a basketball into a men's regulation size basketball hoop. He stands five feet, five inches tall.

01:09 Italy

Slowest Fiststand Push-Up Against A Wall

andrea pallini

Andrea Pallini took 49.14 seconds to perform a fiststand push-up against a wall.

02:31 The Internet

Tallest Bowling Ball Tower

Eric Smyth

Eric S. stacked seven bowling balls in a tower.

07:52 Italy

Tallest Coin Tower Used To Perform A Pistol Squat

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter performed a pistol squat on top of a column of 60 coins.

02:40 Italy

Tallest Domino Tower Stepped On To Perform A Pistol Squat

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter performed a pistol squat on top of a column of 13 dominoes.

03:28 The Internet

Tallest Ice Skater On Stilts

Too Tall Ike

David "Too Tall Ike" Isaacson stood 10 feet tall while ice skating on stilts. Skating on stilts has been his hobby for over five years now and he has performed for more than 60 events including NHL, NCAA, and high school game events.

00:15 United States

Tallest Rocking Chair To Perform Burpee Exercises On

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises on a 20-foot tall rocking chair. The chair is located south of Interstate 90 in Austinburg, OH.

00:40 United States

Thickest Wooden Board Broken By An Eight-Year-Old

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor's martial arts student, Marcus, broke a one-inch wooden board with his fist. He is eight years old.

02:46 Italy

Thinnest Wine Glass Stem Used To Perform A Pistol Squat

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter performed a pistol squat on top of a wine glass with a stem measuring 1.5 centimeters in width.


Youngest Person To Bowl Over 100 Points

Brawly Jacobs

Five-year-old Brawly Jacobs bowled a game and achieved over 100 points. He has a birth defect which does not prove a hindrance in his interest in this sport. Read his story here.

00:28 The Internet

Youngest Person To Hit A Half Court Basketball Shot

Landon Minton

Landon M. successfully hit a half court basketball shot at the young age of 7 years old. He set the record at Barren County YMCA in Glasgow, Kentucky.

00:15 The Internet

Youngest Person To Perform Eight 890-Kilogram Leg Presses

Yeonsoo Chung

Yeonsoo C. performed eight 890-kilogram leg presses. He is 19 years old.

00:36 The Internet

Youngest Person To Perform Five 223-Kilogram Squats

Yeonsoo Chung

Yeonsoo C. performed five 223-kilogram squats. He is 19 years old.

00:16 The Internet

Youngest Person To Perform Six 140-Kilogram Chest Dumbbell Presses

Yeonsoo Chung

Yeonsoo C. performed six 140-kilogram chest dumbbell presses. He is 19 years old.

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