1904 Records Found

Most 600-Pound Leg Press Reps In One Minute
Jason A Faulkner

Most 700-Pound Leg Press Reps In 30 Seconds
Jason A Faulkner

Most 750-Pound Leg Presses In One Minute (Senior)
Bruce Klein

Most 831-Pound Incline Bench Presses By A 62-Year-Old
Albert Soares

Most 90 Degree Flexed Hang Knee-To-Elbow Raises In 30 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most 900-Pound Leg Press Reps In One Minute
Jason A Faulkner

Most 900-Pound Leg Presses In 30 Seconds
Jason A Faulkner

Most Abdominal Crunches Performed In One Hour
Ross Torres

Most Abdominal Floor Crunches In One Hour
Ross Torres

Most Abdominal Wheel Crunches In One Minute (Female)
sarah acosta

Most Abdominal Wheel Crunches In One Minute (Male)
Don Wade

Most Abdominal Wheel Roll-Outs From Standing Position In One Hour
Robert "Cozmo"

Most Above-Head Keepie Uppie Knee Touches
Laurent Kelly

Most Acrobatic RecordSetter World Records Set In 24 Hours
Michael Louis

Most Acrobatic RecordSetter World Records Set In One Year
Michael Louis

Most Aerial Cartwheels In 30 Seconds
Gaber Ali
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