Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

01:19 Sweden

Longest Time To Deadlift A 193-Pound Barbell On The Side Of Body Using Left Hand

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund deadlifted a 193-pound barbell on the side of his body using his left hand for 10.35 seconds.

00:39 England

Fastest Time To Perform 100 Seated Keepie Uppies Using Alternating Feet

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 100 seated keepie uppies in 34.15 seconds using alternating feet.

02:01 India

Most Consecutive One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Clapping Push-Ups

shaikh rejaul

Shaikh Rejaul performed 40 consecutive one-armed back-of-hand clapping push-ups.

00:30 The Internet

Most Basketball Pivots In 15 Seconds


Record Setter performed 32 basketball pivots in 15 seconds.

02:16 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 100-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand While Standing On Left Foot

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 100-pound Z-bell above his head for 3.59 seconds using his right hand while standing on his left foot.

02:18 Scotland

Most Steps Taken On A Six-Inch High Stepper While Carrying A 45-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Left Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon took eight steps on a six-inch high stepper while carrying a 45-pound Z-bell above his head using his left hand.

03:09 Scotland

Longest Time Holding A 100-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon held a 100-pound Z-bell over his head using his right hand for 15.78 seconds.

06:27 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 561-Pound Barbell (Athlete Over 47 Years Old)

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 561-pound barbell for 7.12 seconds. He is 48 years old.

03:10 Scotland

Longest Time Holding A 80-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon held a 80-pound Z-bell over his head using his right hand for 41.95 seconds.

02:54 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 45-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Left Hand While Riding A Stationary Cycle

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 45-pound Z-bell above his head for 55.67 seconds using his left hand while riding a stationary cycle.

01:36 Slovakia

Fastest Time To Complete 421 Straight Punches While Holding Two-Kilogram Dumbbells In Both Hands

Pavol Durdik

Pavol D. completed 421 straight punches in one minute, 0.96 second while holding two-kilogram dumbbells in both hands.

00:38 United States

Most Consecutive "Tick Tocks" In 20 Seconds

Myah Sanford

Myah S. completed 18 tick tocks in 20 seconds.

02:26 Slovakia

Fastest Time To Complete 627 Straight Punches While Holding One-Kilogram Dumbbells In Both Hands

Pavol Durdik

Pavol D. completed 627 straight punches in one minute, 31.60 seconds while holding one-kilogram dumbbells in both hands.

01:02 Nepal

Most One-Arm Plank Push-Ups In One Minute

manish shrestha

Manish S. completed 99 one-arm plank push-ups in one minute.

20:45 United States

Most Consecutive Sprinter Sit-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 410 sprinter sit-ups.

06:42 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 150-Pound Weight

William Cannon

William C. performed a wall sit lasting three minutes, 14.85 seconds while carrying a 150-pound weight.

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