1904 Records Found
Most Deep Squats Performed In Two Minutes While Carrying A 100-Pound Rucksack
William Cannon
Most Side-To-Side V-Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 100-Pound Rucksack
William Cannon
Most Stationary Rows In One Minute While Carrying A 60-Pound Rucksack On Back
William Cannon
Most Stationary Rows In One Minute While Carrying A 100-Pound Rucksack On Back
William Cannon
Shortest Lava Cave Tube To Perform Burpee Exercises In
Lloyd Weema
Most Deep Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 100-Pound Rucksack
William Cannon
Fastest Time To Complete 98 Knuckle Push-Ups
Mario Torre
Fastest Time To Perform 15 Fingertip Push-Ups While Balancing Four Bricks On Back
Dr.Ashish Mehta
Most Two-Finger And Thumb Push-Ups In 30 Seconds
Mohsin Hussain
Most Consecutive Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying An 80-Pound Rucksack
William Cannon
Most Left-Handed 195-Pound Barbell Upright Rows
Jason A Faulkner
Most Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 40-Pound Rucksack
William Cannon
Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 60-Pound Weight
William Cannon
Most Squats In One Minute Using A 40-Pound Barbell
William Cannon
Most Arms Crossed Bent Knee Sit-Ups In Three Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most Side-To-Side Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 70-Pound Weight
William Cannon
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