Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

00:27 Slovakia

Most Crossbar Hits From The 11-Meter Penalty Spot

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec hit the crossbar on a pair of goalposts five times from the 11-meter penalty spot.

00:12 The Internet

Heaviest Barbell Shrug

R.C. Nin

R.C. Nin performed barbell shrug using a 770-pound barbell. He is 56 years old.

01:10 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Crossbar Hits

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec hit the crossbar on a pair of goalposts five consecutive times.

00:23 Slovakia

Fastest Time To Kick Five Soccer Balls Into A Goalpost Crossbar

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec kicked five soccer balls into a goalpost crossbar in 9.00 seconds.

03:13 United States

Most Consecutive Six-Count Plyometric Plank Jump Sets In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed seven consecutive six-count plyometric plank jump sets in two minutes.

01:23 United States

Most Consecutive Pull-Ups With Ladder Knee-To-Elbow Flexed Hang

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed nine pull-ups with a ladder knee-to-elbow flexed hang.

00:27 Algeria

Most Webster Front Flips In 30 Seconds

Rafik Belmahdi

Rafik B. performed 17 Webster front flips in 30 seconds.

01:18 United States

Most Chin-Ups With Ladder Knee-To-Elbow Flexed Hang

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed nine chin-ups with a ladder knee-to-elbow flexed hang.

01:30 England

Most Keepie Uppies Performed While Balancing On A Stump

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 203 keepie uppies while balancing on a stump.

22:46 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 250 Perfect Pull-Ups And 250 Perfect Reptile Push-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 250 perfect pull-ups and 250 perfect Reptile Push-ups in 21 minutes, 0.17 second.

02:22 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Hanging Leg L Raises

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 100 hanging leg L raises in two minutes, 19.33 seconds.

02:03 United States

Most Consecutive Moving Chin-Ups With Ladder Knee-To-Elbow Flexed Hang

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 10 consecutive moving chin-ups with a ladder knee-to-elbow flexed hang.

05:06 United States

Most Two-Armed and One-Legged Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 228 two-armed and one-legged leaping mountain climber exercises in five minutes.

00:31 United States

Most Basketball Dribbles In 30 Seconds Between Alternating Legs

Henry Smith

Henry S. dribbled a basketball between his alternating legs 72 times in 30 seconds.

United States

Longest Side Plank

Sarah Ports

Sarah Ports held a side plank for three minutes, 36.97 seconds.

00:28 Scotland

Most Consecutive Two-Finger Perfect Push-Ups

Sebastian Zenon Campbell Scott Howells

Sebastian Z. performed 13 consecutive two-finger perfect push-ups.

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