68 Records Found

Most Deep Squats In Five Minutes
Radi Milev “65 years old”

Most Squats Performed In 30 Seconds While Holding A Melon

Heaviest Raw Squat Using A Cambered Squat Bar
Clint Poore

Most Reps Squatting 410 Pounds Using A Cambered Squat Bar
Clint Poore

Most Squats While Carrying A Dog In 30 Seconds
Scott P.

Most Chair Squats On A Self-Inflating Whoopee Cushion While Balancing A Juggling Club On Forehead
Brian Pankey

Most Squats On A Stability Ball
Nikolaos Sofianos

Fastest Time To Perform 100 Sand Deep Squat Jumps While Tossing A 10-Pound Medicine Ball
Alicia Weber

Most Squats Performed While Juggling Three Balls
Nate Tower

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Squats With 405-Pound Weight
Jason A Faulkner

Fastest Time To Complete Ten 500-Pound Squats
Jason A Faulkner

Longest Time Standing On One Foot Before Doing Ten One-Footed Squats
Tai Star

Fastest Time To Complete 700 Squats And 50 Bucket Carries
Andre Turan

Most Squat-Curl-Press Combinations In Three Minutes With 35-Pound Dumbbells
Andre Turan

Most Squats With A 10-Foot Wooden Log
Omega Force

Most Stability Ball Squats In 15 Seconds While Holding Two 100-Pound Dumbbells
Clint Poore
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