95 Records Found

Most Reps Completed In Pseudo Planche Perfect Push-Up Cadence Test
Alicia Weber

Most Reps In Five Minutes Of Leaping Mountain Climber Variety Act
Alicia Weber

Most Reps Performing 35-Minute Strict Pull-Squat-Push
Alicia Weber

Most Reps Performing A 10-Minute Weighted Aerobic Strength Test
Alicia Weber

Most Revolutions With Another Human Dangling From One's Waist
Spencer Renfro

Most Shoulder-Width Grip Chin-Ups In 30 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Sit-Ups In 30 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Sit-Ups With Hands On Back Of Head In 30 Minutes
David Begiashvili

Most Six-Foot Decline Push-Ups
Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Most Steps Taken In 31 Days Using "Nintendo Personal Trainer: Walking"
Pekka Luodeslampi

Most Tent Circulations In One Minute
Rob Birdsong

Most Times Spreading Legs While Holding A Crow Pose
Suresh Gaur

Most Vertical Feet Skied Uphill In 24 Hours (Female)
Dina Mishev

Most Vertical Fist Pumps
Pavol Durdik

Shortest Pronunciation Of "Waffle"
Brandon Frangipani
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