Strength World Records

696 Records Found

05:07 United States

Fastest Time To Bench Press A 315-Pound Weight And Solve A Rubik's Cube

Dustyn Deal

Dustyn D. bench pressed a 315-pound weight and solved a Rubik's cube in four minutes, 22.70 seconds.

00:28 United States

Most Bricks Broken With Bare Hand And Foot

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor's friend broke two bricks using his hand and foot.

01:23 United States

Most Leg Presses In One Minute Using A 400-Pound Weight

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed a 400-pound weight 83 times in one minute.

00:50 United States

Most Leg Presses In 30 Seconds Using A 400-Pound Weight

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed a 400-pound weight 43 times in 30 seconds.

00:46 United States

Most 205-Pound Upright Rows Using A Smith Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed ten 315-pound upright row repetitions using a Smith machine.

01:37 India

Longest Time Lifting Two People And A Bicycle

senthilkumar duraisamy

Senthilkumar D. lifted two people and a bicycle for 59.52 seconds. The total combined weight he lifted was 82 kilograms.

03:25 United States

Most Decks Of Cards Ripped In Half Using Teeth In One Minute

JD Anderson

JD ripped nine deck of cards in one minute using his teeth. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional. We will not accept submissions on this category from minors.

00:17 The Internet

Heaviest Refrigerator Carried Without Assistance

Phil Johnson

Phil J. carried a 250-pound refrigerator a distance of eight blocks without assistance. He is a professional mover.

01:28 United States

Most Decline Bench Press Reps With A 255-Pound Barbell

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 57 decline bench press reps using a 255-pound barbell.

00:49 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Squats With 315-Pound Weight

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed 10 squats with a 315-pound weight in 10.53 seconds.

01:00 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Squats With 405-Pound Weight

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed 10 squats with a 405-pound weight in 12.60 seconds.

00:48 United States

Most 130-Pound Dumbbell Hammer Curls With Left Hand

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed ten 130-pound dumbbell hammer curls using his left hand.

01:43 United States

Most 245-Pound Upright Rows Using Left Hand

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed two 245-pound upright rows using his left hand.

00:36 United States

Fastest Time To Leg Press 1000 Pounds

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed 1000 pounds in 8.60 seconds. He completed 10 reps.

24:42 United States

Highest Score In A 20-Minute Triple Exercise With "Triple Eggsercise" Challenge

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber earned 330 points in a 20-minute triple exercise with "Triple Eggsercise" challenge.

01:17 France

Fastest Time To Complete 60 One-Armed Push-Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 60 one-armed push-ups in 22.58 seconds.

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