37 Records Found

Most Consecutive "Hulk" Catches With A Myachi In One Minute
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive 360 Degree Spins While Doing A One Handed Devil Stick 'Chopstick' In 30 Seconds
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Behind The Back Diabolo Tosses In One Minute
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Forward Passes With A Yo-Yo In One Minute While Dribbling A Basketball And Kneeling
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Full Rotations With A Bar Of Soap In 30 Seconds
Brian Pankey

Most Digits Of Pi Written On Paper In 10 Seconds

Most Dog-Themed Jokes Told In One Minute Using a Dog Avatar
Natedagrate !!

Most Forward Passes With A Yo-Yo In 30 Seconds While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Paddle
Brian Pankey

Most Forward Passes With A Yo-Yo In One Minute While Spinning A Pillow On One Other Finger
Brian Pankey

Most Full Cans Of Cola Drank Through A Funnel In 90 Seconds
Jenna Yellenik

Most Hats Put On In Five Seconds
Brian Pankey
Most Kicks In 30 Seconds While Riding A Scooter And Walking A Dog
Isabelle Bennett

Most Names Given To A Plastic Duck In 30 Seconds
Paul (Pabs) Melia

Most Pizza Rolls Eaten By Five People In 15 Minutes
Adam Fuhriman
Most Puns Based On RuPaul's Catchphrase "You Better Work!" In One Minute And 45 Seconds
BOF SketchComedyGroup

Most 'Ric Flair Chops' In 30 Seconds
Todd DeFazio
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