1. #27

    Most Consecutive Side-To-Side Rope Pull-Ups

    Alicia Weber completed 25 consecutive side-to-side rope pull-ups.

    Feb 08 AliciaWeber United States
  2. #28

    Most Consecutive Side-To-Side Rope Pull-Ups

    Alicia Weber completed 27 consecutive side-to-side rope pull-ups.

    May 30 AliciaWeber United States
  3. #29

    Most Consecutive Side-To-Side Rope Pull-Ups

    Alicia Weber completed 35 consecutive side-to-side rope pull-ups. She set this record to celebrate her 34th birthday.

    Mar 12 AliciaWeber United States
  4. #30

    Most Shoutouts To Active Twitter Users In A Single Tweet

    Jon Gardner gave shoutouts to 39 active Twitter users in a single tweet.

    Sep 06 Jon The Internet
  5. #31

    Most Shoutouts To Active Twitter Users In A Single Tweet

    Raymond B. gave shoutouts to 41 Twitter users in a single tweet.

    Aug 23 RaymondBarbosa1 United States
  6. #32

    Most Times To Open And Close Mouth In 30 Seconds

    Jessica M. opened and closed her mouth 130 times in 30 seconds.

    Sep 03 JessicaMilliard United States
  7. #33

    Most Times To Open And Close Mouth In 30 Seconds

    Jon Gardner opened and closed his mouth 51 times in 30 seconds.

    Sep 06 Jon The Internet
  8. #34

    Most Times To Open And Close Mouth In 30 Seconds

    Sean Fulmer opened and closed his mouth 70 times in 30 seconds.

    Sep 11 SeanFulmer The Internet
  9. #35

    Most Times To Open And Close Mouth In 30 Seconds

    Bilal M. opened and closed his mouth 123 times in 30 seconds.

    Apr 21 bilalmansoor The Internet
  10. #36

    Most People Walked Over While Juggling Torches

    CoolJuggler walked over three people while juggling three lit torches.

    Sep 06 CoolJuggler 3 comments United States
  11. #37

    Most People Walked Over While Juggling Torches

    CoolJuggler walked over eight people while juggling three lit torches.

    Nov 21 CoolJuggler 3 comments United States
  12. #38

    Most Triple Charlier Cuts Performed In 30 Seconds Using A Double Deck Of Cards

    Kamal Aslam performed nine triple Charlier card cuts in 30 seconds using a double deck of cards.

    Sep 06 KamalAslam India
  13. #39

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Jon Gardner kept his tongue out for 53.19 seconds.

    Sep 06 Jon 16 comments The Internet
  14. #40

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Sean Fulmer kept his tongue out for one minute, 1.59 seconds.

    Sep 11 SeanFulmer 16 comments The Internet
  15. #41

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Parul S. kept her tongue out for five minutes, 3.00 seconds.

    Nov 23 ParulSharma 16 comments The Internet
  16. #42

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Tara R. kept her tongue out for six minutes, 21.10 seconds.

    Nov 27 TaraRedding 16 comments The Internet
  17. #43

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Catari M. kept her tongue out for two minutes, 9.62 seconds.

    Nov 19 CatariMillar 16 comments Chile
  18. #44

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Thomas kept his tongue out for seven minutes, 40.40 seconds.

    Feb 06 ThomasDeMan 16 comments Belgium
  19. #45

    Longest Time Sticking Tongue Out

    Kristin F. kept her tongue out for 36 minutes, 22.70 seconds.

    Feb 14 KristinFlanagan 16 comments The Internet